Pyla Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot Primary School Teachers Came Together in AHDR

UNFICYP continues to support the collaboration among teachers of Pyla Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot primary schools with the support of the Association for Historical Dialogue and Research (Ahdr Cy). As part of this collaboration, last Saturday teachers from Pyla and neighbouring villages came together for a workshop facilitated by the AHDR and supported by primary school teachers’ trade unions across the divide, KTÖS, and ΠΟΕΔ (POED). During the workshop, teachers explored the Educational Anti-racist Games recently developed by the AHDR and German NGO Gesicht Zeigen! Für ein weltoffenes Deutschland The games provide educators with tools to engage learners in discussions regarding stereotypes, discrimination, and violations of human rights. The workshop was followed by a social lunch where teachers had the chance to further interact with each other.
UNFICYP together with AHDR and POED and KTOS will continue supporting the schools of Pyla and teachers from the region with new activities and projects.
*UNFICYP Civil Affairs has been supporting intercommunal activities between the Primary schools of Pyla systematically since 2019.
**The games are funded by the Federal Foreign Office of the Republic of Germany.